I can’t say that sleeping is August’s finest talent. “Going down” usually involves an avalanche of resistance — piercing wails, coughing, spluttering and kicks to mum’s stomach, chest and breast. (There’s gratitude for you.)

But with Dad, his behavior is altogether more polite. He whimpers and then is quiet. Michael theorizes that it takes him exactly six minutes to settle (and silence) himself into sleep.

Since Michael is out at squash, we are testing this theory.

At 6.34 p.m., he was put into his cot. By 6.42 p.m. there was silence. Success! Hurrah!

BUT at 6.49 p.m. there were wails again. Does it still count?

Meanwhile, the cats sing to his cries. Yes, it is absolutely ludicrous.

Testing, Testing, Shhh, Two, Three — ADDENDUM

Oh bless me, it worked. Six minutes on the dot. 6.49 p.m. –> 6.55 p.m. Miracle Baby!

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07 Nov 2010

Over the past few weeks August has been on a bit of a no-sleep-non-stop-crying bender which I blame on the construction project upstairs combined with my thinking that it might be OK for a 2-month-old to miss his midday nap. (What? I must be sleep-deprived! If a child under one year ever, ever, EVER looks you in the eye and communicates that he is not tired enough to sleep and that he can skip his nap, don’t ever, ever, EVER believe him.)

In any case, among other things, this bender caused us skip Halloween since the child was simply too cross to be costumed. I’m certainly glad we didn’t spring for the $30 peapod outfit with detachable foam “peas” and matching hat.

When August is older and he asks me what he wore for his first Halloween, I’ll tell him: a sleep suit. And when he asks me what he did, I’ll tell him: he cried. And then I’ll serve him peas in their pods for dinner. So there, Aug.

(By the way, if you’re wondering what he would have been had he been in better humor, he would have been New Orleans Saints quarterback, Drew Brees.)

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