Tuesday 1st February 2011

by Francesca Donner

August is five months old and it’s time we started thinking about schools.

That sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it couldn’t be further from funny.

In fact, an old colleague stopped me in the WSJ hallways today (more on that to come) and pointed out that it’s never too early to start planning for your child’s education.

And I agree. I like words; Michael likes numbers; so it follows that August is required to like both. As an equation, it might look something like this:

F(abcd) + M(1234) = A(a1b2c3d4)

Or something to that effect.

This is all a long-winded way of explaining why, the other day, I found myself thumbing through a copy of “The Manhattan Directory of Private Nursery Schools.”

Suffice it to say that as far as Manhattan nursery schools go, there’s a lid for every pot. There are fancy schools (lots) and less fancy schools (some). There are really expensive schools (lots) and just expensive schools (some). There are schools which focus on friendship. There are schools for those with special needs. There are Montessori schools. There are big, bustling schools with cool uniforms. And there are quirky schools with just a handful of students.

Children can expect to learn various important tricks such as blockbuilding, puzzling and storytelling (all necessary skills), but I can’t help but be enamored by the schools which push a second language on the kids. (“Students will notice that though they speak in English, the teachers only respond in French.”)

I read the school profiles with interest and before you could say — diploma! — I found myself examining the primary schools, high schools and universities that the students go on to attend.

Would these schools do? And what is August thinking these days in terms of college, anyway?

I looked back at August with a raised eyebrow. And I waited for a response. And he looked at me and gurgles. And it dawned on me that my five-month-old can’t even talk yet.

So. Be. It.

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One Response to “School. School? Huh?”

  1. Lauren says:

    Oh my goodness. As much as I would love your empathy on this one, I am begging you to shelve that book for 18 months or so. It’s a crazy process, and there’s really nothing you can do until 8AM the day after the Labor Day of the year before you want to apply him. SO. Enjoy your baby.

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