Saturday 16th October 2010

by Francesca Donner

Once upon a time the gender breakdown in the Donner Household leaned heavily towards girls. There was me, of course, plus Olive and Emma, two girlie felines who are partial to ribbons and the like.

Michael was outnumbered three to one. Girls ruled.

Then, along came August and the dynamic changed. Overnight the girl-namic became a guy-namic.

In the days following his birth, the cats slunk about and remained mostly out of sight. They did less than little to support the Pink Team.

Meanwhile, the Blue Team was going strong. Michael had found an ally, and August was more than willing to play along. Boys will be boys, after all. Michael (a.k.a. dad) was fun, entertaining his son with song and dance. Mummy was merely useful. August laughed at his dad, learned to coo and his eyes got big. Mummy remained merely useful.

Now that August is older (practically a BIG BOY) the division is even more apparent. As in… Michael and August dart behind the door, August strapped to his dad in the Baby Bjorn, arms splayed out to each side, eyes shiftily looking to the left. As in… Michael and August hide behind the bed in a fort of pillows — “sneaky boys!” — while square mummy is hunting her son down for a feeding.

I see where this is going. And goodness knows it’s only the beginning. I envision: road trips and football games, rugged expeditions with scraped knees, park excursions, bike rides. Tractors, trains and trucks. Wheels and tool kits. Dirt and worms and “puppy dog tails.”

Next summer, Michael plans to go camping in the garden with August.

Let me say this: Have fun, my friends on the Blue Team, with the slugs.

The Pink Team will hold down the fort inside. We’ll be the ones cozy on the sofa drinking hot chocolate. Then we’ll see which team comes out on top. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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6 Responses to “Boys vs. Girls”

  1. ashley says:

    I am definitely in the minority with three boys at home. But here are thoughts that comfort me. a) I definitely play up the ‘queen’ of the house. if the boys are doing something that bothers me i’ll ask “is that they way you would treat a queen?” it actually works incredibly well and they instantly course correct They will treat you specially and you can wrap up all sorts of explanations and drivel under the ‘female mystique’.
    Second comfort is from a piece of research that i read. A boy is absolutely devoted to his mama until he is around 6 years old. He will have no time for daddy at all and is constantly following you around, looking for hugs and kisses, and generally wanting to show you everything. Its true it changes at six and I am seeing this first hand – Daddy now steps up as a critical role model. Boys are keen to connect -playing basketball with dad and talking about airports takes on a central importance.
    Enjoy those six years ahead. You’ll be ready to pass the baton, i can assure you.

  2. Kiri says:

    I just want to say I’m on whatever team those cats are on. They are so f-ing cute!

  3. Darby says:

    Pedicure and Hot Chocolate! Where was this site 33 years ago when the dynamics in our household definitely turned toward testosterone overload. Ever trying to be the voice of reason, I attempted to climb mountains and waterfalls when my guys decided it would be FUN. I attempted to follow them mountain biking in the rockies and fell down a mountain and had to have my knee/ears repaired. Ladies please take note. Do not mountain bike with pierced earings in place. Yes! I should have opted for the pedicure and hot chocolate and surpressed the idea of being the voice of reason against 2 very strong males with a even stronger sense of adventure. Alas! I do have the memories and my accidents did slow them down a bit. In all fairness to them, never once did they say I could not share their chosen adventure. I am with you Francesca. First we will stop at Jacques Torres for hot chocolate and onto Bliss for a pedicure. You see, our households may have turned male but I now have you to do girlie things with. Yes! It is finally a win for me.

  4. CMEC says:

    Pink Team ? Blue Team ? This is the 21st Century, Mummy. Doesn’t everyone now like snails, slugs, and dolls … not forgetting lorries and mini kitchens with toasters and kitchen sinks ? Everyone gets pedicures !!
    Note: M = male, Michael.
    and F = female, Francesca
    Question: Do cats get pedicures ?

  5. Lauren says:

    All I’m saying is that you will learn to love game day (AKA: pedicure day for Mom).

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