Wednesday 29th September 2010

by Francesca Donner

See the pathway to paradise, above? It’s gorgeous, and I get to trot down that path with my little munchkin every day. (It’s Central Park in September, for the record.)

It’s enough to make even the most brazen mother blush. I mean, this is my job right now: Looking after a baby, doing circuits of the park, staring into my son’s eyes. Sometimes it makes me feel almost guilty.

Of course my life isn’t all paradise. There are mountains — MOUNTAINS — of laundry to scale. There is a hungry and demanding mouth that shouts to be fed. There’s the 4 a.m. wake-up call.

Still, while mum pushes her stroller, dad is busy with conference calls and meetings. And that’s where the guilt comes in.

But then — here comes the double edged sword part — all of a sudden, those conference calls and meetings sound rather intriguing. It’s the big, bad world of adults, of intellectual stimulation, of power suits and three syllable words.

And then my path to paradise feels just a bit narrower.

At which point I remind myself that this is a blessing. And I must enjoy what I have in the time that I have it. Sure the grass always looks greener, but even a 5-year-old can tell you that’s just an optical illusion.

Back to Baby Augie.

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